Post by caballo locoWho is Shaw????
BTW I have been having same problem for the last month or so ( I mean
having beenn getting spam reporting link).
Your remarks lack context and therefore meaning.
In order to carry on a conversation in which you are referring to
something you saw in a prior post, you should put your remark or
question into context with the remark which you have only in /you/r
mind, not the mind of the reader, that you are thinking about when you
start typing.
That is, the first thing you do when you hit 'Reply' is to eliminate all
of the words and lines from that previous post which you aren't replying
to -- that way your reply or question or remark has context and meaning,
instead of not having context or meaning.
Then, the next thing you do after you have trimmed away everything which
you aren't talking about, so that the only thing/s which is/are left are
the things you /are/ talking about, is to put your question, such as
'Who is Shaw' right under some currently unknown Shaw remark to which
you refer. After leaving an empty line between the previous post and
your question which comes after the earlier remark.
Then, if you need to leave some other words previously posted about
'same problem' also not in context or meaning - you put your 'same
problem' remark right under the part which is talking about whatever
problem you are having the same of so that it has some meaning to
someone reading here besides you.
When you stick your remarks up there in the top of nowhere while pushing
a bunch of space occupying junk down below your words as if your words
were not only the most important, but also everyone here knows exactly
what you have in your mind when you start typing -- then your words here
are actually not important at all, because they don't mean anything to
anyone but you.
Here is an article for new news users about trimming, contextualizing,
and attributing. None of which you did.
news.newusers.questions - Quoting Style in Newsgroup Postings
Mike Easter
kibitzer, not SC admin